Friday 16 April 2010

morning blogging again, i should be visiting my friend later on in the day if all goes according to plan. these past few days have been good, the day before yesterday i had a photoshoot-esque thing which went alright although some were blurry :( i shall put some up if this works. oh i also got a soviet union pilot hat which is banging, and a ushanka? is it, a big black furry russian hat which has the soviet union sign on it, hehe, so more to add to my ever growing hat collection

i still haven't got a name for the cat yet, it's cute but it follows me EVERYWHERE, and constantly wants to play.

i'm having fun being a bitch and pissing everyone off atm. i'm such a keyboard warrior, but to be honest, everyone is. "if you hate me say it to my face." now, i highly doubt the people who say this actually go up to people they don't like, especially if they're their friends and tell them straight out they hate them. anyone who says this is frankly sanctimonious and hypocritical

i think i'm going to write a list later, lists are fun and everyone likes lists. i need to watch south park's new episode though. apparently it's a huge mash up of all the different characters. i really shouldn't get excited over south park.

i love that ^

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