Tuesday 13 October 2009

day 1 woooo

the initial excitement of getting a blog hasn't worn off yet
i'm having a lot of fun really
but anyway
i know you all really want to hear about my..eventful day
ok so i woke up this morning in a bad mood, it's not usually a good sign. i have CCF today as well, which is a general dampener. it's like, it's ok whilst i am at ccf, but in the morning i always dread it, and that feeling generally builds up throughout the day. spent maths in a boring state, i got told that i'd be getting detention if i didn't do more work. the sad thing is, i understand it all, it's just so pathetically boring that i really can't summon the strength to do it. that makes me sound slightly big headed. i guess i am quite big headed actually, i'm not good at maths guys don't worry. yeah anyway, erm i can't remember my other lessons, so they can't have been very..interesting. Registration was..fun. Delightful Dr Agnostopolous decided to be be irksome as usual. i'm sorry but i really can't control my temper around that man. he claimed i was, "late" even though i was IN the room, but for some reason i have to be standing behind my chair. why do people stand up for teachers anyway? i don't like it, it makes them seem incredibly superior, probably to boost THEIR self esteem and give them a false sense of control, but whatever. my day. he decided to get the head of year, and they both gave me yet another lecture of how i'm extremely badly behaved and how i haven't made any improvement and they've had to give up all their time and how i'm incredibly selfish, nothing special, all that palava. is it palava? i seem to be a "problem child." although i'm really not, i just can't stand injustice. like being blamed for "letting the whole form down." yes, he said that guys. me? yes. he did. you're probably thinking. the injustice of it all. well you should.
YEAH ANYWAY, we had chemistry last and i thought it would be a good idea to pour silver nitrate all over my hand. I'm left with brown lines all over it that make me look like i have a disfiguring skin disease. one of my not so clever ideas.
after school, i decided not to go to ccf as i'd get in trouble for not having my berret or anything, so i went with jee eun to do her chores, well, chores as it were.
i think i have bad karma for not going to ccf, as AGAIN, i said to myself: i bet i'm going to see the person i DON'T want to see today. the came walking down the high street. after that i got steadily more depressed really. we went to clintons, where i just thought about how pointless all the masses of cards where, how they'd all get thrown away, and how many trees get cut down for that pointless reason. i decided i hate cards. don't get me any for my birthday guys. then we went to the bank, where i waited, and looked at all the boring middle aged people, and got scared i'd be like them, void of feelings practically. isn't it that every middle aged person you see has a neutral look on their face? yeah i hate that. then i saw a lady about fourty wearing all blue, and different shades and oh dear, it made me even more depressed. then i noted the interior design of the bank. the walls were pale green and the carpet was grey with those depressing patterns you get on powerpoint slides. yeah so i went home, where a mound of homework awaited, and my mother made me embark on a ridiculous DIY project to build a chair. oh and my brother kept following me when i REALLY needed space. so i went to sleep, woke up, and got a blog. i feel better now, you'll be pleased to know.
anyway i've written FAR too much. the little number of followers i may have earned, their interest is probably waning right about now. oh well

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