Monday 19 October 2009

one day, we're going to live in paris

today has been a day of injustice, and further annoyance at normal people and the mainstream media. it hasn't been a particularly interesting day, in fact, it's been a suitably average day, hence suitably boring. apart from certain injustice on certain english and head of years behalf. i got 78% in my physics test. a suitably average grade, considering it was a relatively easy test. i was suitably bored in all lessons, as they consisted entirely of note taking and attempting to listen to a man talk to himself for an hour. don't get me wrong, astronomy's all very interesting, but first period monday morning isn't the best time to hear about features on the moons surface. one thing that IS really bugging me though, i got the LOWEST grade in the english debate today. seeing as i actually spoke to and "entertained," (the word the old-fashioned bat liked to use) the audience, i think i deserved a better mark. despite what she said, i thought i made some very crucial points. but oh well, forget, breathe, LIFE GOES ON. anything else about my day? no that's all.
oh wait I've been quite mean today actually, laughing at other people's misfortune. I've sort of abandoned the whole, if i be nice i'll be happy thing. sorry but if you saw a fat person fail cartwheeling with their top slipping down then doing a log roll and looking like an overstuffed swiss roll, you'd laugh too right? OK anyway enough of this, let me tell you about further discoveries made on this day.
i decided to watch some of x-factor, and see what all the hype was about.
i'm afraid to say i was extremely disappointed, and it made me think again, is this what our nation has come to?
none of these people actually have talent. they are all SO BORING. they're all clones of each other and all sing the SAME KINDS of songs. i wish they could have more diversity and have acoustic singers on it or something. they're all just the next wannabe alexandra burke/leona lewises, and the pinnacle of their career will be getting one top ten hit shortly after the show, then disappearing, then making a "comeback." and sorry, but JOHN AND EDWARD. i heard all this hype about them, and that they're probably the most "controversial" topic at the moment. forget about how the world is suffering, how we're slowly being heated to a slow roasting death, how people are dying, no, JOHN AND EDWARD is all we can talk about. and do you know what? they're not even controversial. they're just arrogant, extremely cocky retards who cannot sing to save their lives. they're the next eoughan quigg, or whatever. who even remembers him?
oh and ALSO, dizzee rascal's making me quite sad now. i can see that as people start to tip towards mainstream their music becomes milder, less original, and their lyrics become more meaningless as they become again dominated by the wannabe clubhouse beats. Listen to something like Holiday, then listen to stuff from boy in da corner or maths and english. you'll see what i mean.
anyway i can see i've written TOO MUCH again
i complain far too much, eh this isn't good
sorry guys, people will probs get bored soon of this constant ranting anyway, i need to change the layout etc

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