Sunday 18 October 2009

it would take no sherlock holmes to see it's a little different around here

hello all, i'm afraid i didn't write in my blog yesterday. never fear i shall write an extra long entry today. because i know you all want a synopsis of my very interesting weekend. actually, i've been through yet more personality changes. There wasn't even a bookmarked significant event which sparked off this sudden change. I've just realised some crucial things, that i shall lay down as my foundations of my life to come:
If people like me, cool, i like them. If they don't, then that's fine, live and let live
and that alot of people are actually really fake. people want to be loved for what they appear rather than what they are. that's in a song, but i can't remember which one. i've come to the conclusion that that's because they're very empty people but they want to fill that up with generic senses of humour and not even remotely funny flirtatious teases and comments. no-one wants to overstep the boundaries. they're scared that people will think they're weird and what not. people pretend to like each other, on the computer they're different people. they laugh at things that aren't funny, and i can predict the responses to these over-used, rinsed as far as they can be funny jokes. generally about sexual orientation. DON'T PRETEND YOU'RE GAY IF YOU'RE NOT. that's all i'm going to say. it's all one horrible spider web held together by loose threads that people have built up to ensure a stable position in this "social situation." people don't even like each other. i understand that i've just said a lot of things that don't relate and don't make sense. sorry about that. anyway, i'm going to ensure i DON'T turn out like that. i'm going to spend time i would worrying about what people think about me getting in touch with my inner-self, and ensuring i'm genuine at all times. i'm never going to change for anyone. and changes will be for my sake only. i think this way i'm going to be happier.
sorry i'm rambling again, i'll talk about my supercool weekend now
well on saturday, i went to meme's and watched harry potter with meme and elena. it was HILARIOUS, i never realised how very funny harry potter is. i love it though :) but harry's face and reactions are SO FUNNY. haven't you guys thought how much of a pussy harry is? well, daniel radcliffe anyway. ALSO, Emma watson is an infuriating actress. she makes hermione so annoying. Oh then we watched sweeney todd. what a fucking amazing film. one of the best i've ever seen. i'm still thinking about now. it was a really..moving film to say the least. johnny depp and helena bonham carter are AMAZING at acting. then i went home and watched saw, on my own. hahahhah. I missed the first and last twenty minutes of it, so i didn't understand the plot. the gore was hilarious though, didn't affect me at all :) i think i really am quite twisted. I did get so scared of the puppet though. i had to sleep with my whole body under the cover facing the wall, otherwise i'd feel all exposed. anyone ever do that?
oh yeah and today was dan's birthday. i kind of forgot till yesterday. i "joined" presents with my brother. we got him chocolate, original. my dad's been in a good mood today, and hugged me for like the first time in a year i think. it was awkward. i hate family affection. it makes me cringe.
we went to a restaurant. my grandfather forgot his medication so he had to go back and get it with my dad. my brother had a massive go at me for reading in a restaurant and my mum joined in at him then at me and yeah. my brother proceeded to telling my mum stuff about me, and telling her that i never get punished. little snivelling rascal. yeah anyway i was reading lord of the flies. it's really quite good, makes me think about society. it's so sad though, i shan't spoil it for any of you :) anyway i got back home and went on the computer all day from 3 till now, not even remembering what i've done. my minds going to waste away one of these days
i have homework to do as well. alllow i'm goint to leave it a few hours then check what i have.
sorry i'll leave now, you probably stopped reading halfway up. i don't blame you :)
bye world and loyal reaaders

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