Sunday 29 November 2009

break my body, hold my bones

WELL today's been ok. My weekend's generally been ok.
I'll tell you all about today, i would tell you about yesterday but my FATHER stopped me when i was right in the spirit, and i just don't feel it today. I saw new moon basically, it wasn't very good.
And today, I saw paranormal activity; it was actually hilarious. What have horror films come to these days? I basically watched one and a half hours or so of doors creaking and things going "bump" in the night. the end was the only actual scary part, but all in all it was very hyped up. i went to Macdonalds after that. I hate Macdonalds, it actually makes me feel depressed. Look at the people there, and i'm pretty sure most of them are depressed dejected people in dark green raincoats with thin hair who have bad lives: so they eat Macdonalds everyday. Macdonalds is practically destroying food, in a way. More and more people have started eating there on a daily basis; they don't even realize what they're eating, and as Macdonalds tastes like puerile shit, that becomes the norm. Eating becomes a necessity, not an enjoyment. it's kind of sad, i think.

Yeah anyway, I ran home in the rain, and felt temporary "happiness," even though it was very short lived. Poetic lines were flying through my head and every tree and raindrop seemed so fresh and new, and i just couldn't wait to inhale the fresh, cold air again and again. I had a conversation with myself about how nice it all is, and danced all the way down the road. I realize that might appear weird, but it was truly refreshing, talking to yourself helps you arrange things in your mind. anyway i told myself the same old "if you love the world and yourself then everyone will appear so much better." i got home and played articulate with my family and got pissed off at my mum and brother. Whenever my family try and have some "quality time" it always escalates in my mum pointing out all my faults, my brother telling my dad all the bad things i've ever done out of nowhere because he's a malicious rascal, and then so on so forth until no-one wants to play anymore.

Then i went on facebook and everyone else pissed me off. so much for that, huh? I really have got to be more tolerant. But can i just say what really, REALLY is annoying me? my list must span on for miles by now, but, when people have about TEN PEOPLE in their msn screen names. it annoys me how most of these people don't even care about each other. And when people put the most pointless "jokes times" on there. "ice cream and muffin cakes" or something of that variation. I understand if something's actually FUNNY. but i very much doubt that people laugh their hearts out by calling each other names like "muffin" or "lemon" or something equally annoying. I use the word "annoying" a lot. i really need to think of more interesting alternatives. Yeah anyway sorry if this applies to you and you're just casting an awkward glance around the room and feeling unsettled right about now. I should probably be shutting up now

Tomorrow should be fun. Monday. Woo. wake up in the dark, walk out in the rain. school, get criticized and my uniform scrutinized. go home, go on the computer until i go to sleep. FUN TIMES.

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