Friday 27 November 2009

we treat mishaps like sinking ships

well today's been SHIT
i've pretty much spent the majority of the day crying to myself
and i don't even know why
then the next second i'm perfectly fine
i really think i do have bi polar
but everyone thinks they have it, so i'm not going to say so.
that pretty much applies to all blunders and flaws, as it were
"HEHEH nah you're not clumsy! I'M THE CLUMSIEST."
people, like..want to be the worst
now, i admit to slightly doing this myself at times
but i just watch people who like over-do it and laugh sometimes,
but naturally i don't say anything.
ANYWAY, i didn't write my blog yesterday
so can i say how much i love misfits
and robert sheehan ^^
now that's my kind of boy
it would be nice if they also read alot, pondered a lot, had a disgusting sense of humour, listened to good music and the beatles, had a unique sense of style and a lot of idiosyncrasies
but i realise there's probably no-one like that in a fifty mile radius
oh well
I'm going to take a leaf out of lily's book and use codenames, cause i really need to say something
this is going to feel much easier, but BASICALLY, there's a person called dickens, and they won't stop talking to me. Now, i don't mind dickens, but i really do tire being bombarded by constant "hey, hello, how are you's?" non-stop. i've tried being unresponsive, but it still doesn't work.
i don't really know what to do.
It's not just dickens, it's shakespeare as well. now, i like shakespeare more than dickens. but shakespeare is far, far too nice. Now, i wish shakespeare would just...tone it down a little. but i don't want to be mean because they are actually really nice. ssighh
Also, bronte's been really annoying today. but it's just a mild annoyance, it's already passed
i really liked this picture, the photographer must be amazing
john lennon..for anyone who deoesn't who doesn't know
anywaiiz i'm off, my weekend should be pretty fun
seeing new moon and chilling with tha girls tomorrow
then hopefully seeing paranormal activity on sunday
unless a certain someone objects to me being there
but i'll go anyway

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