Wednesday 25 November 2009

i live my dreams today and i'll be living them tomorrow

another quite frankly boring unproductive day full of injustice
i hate teachers even more than i did two days ago
i had to lug around extra textbooks and folders which i DON'T even need, i do all my homework, actually try and get organised, and all stupid bloody mrs etheridge says is: THIS REPORT DOESN'T SEEM TO BE IMPROVING ANYTHING, and she starts nitpicking at little stuff about my uniform: "TODAY YOUR SCARF GOT CONFISCATED AND YOU WORE A CARDIGAN YESTERDAY. what does that have ANYTHING to do with organisation? and the other stupid teachers just looked at me reproachfully and shook their heads like they actually gave a shit GRRR
anyway, i'm going to experiment with outfits and hair and stuff
which is REALLY getting me in a shopping mood, hence a christmasy mood
even though christmas IS a complete waste of trees, think of the millions of trees that are going to be cut down, and the effects that's going to have. so i'm going to try and make the family get an artificial one. even though it would pain me to do so, because i absolutely love lying down underneath it and smelling that fresh pine leaf smell. AND it is sad if you think about it, because think about all the extra hours those poor Malaysian children are going to have to work to make more toys so our stupid little children can get them and throw them away after about a year. and what will these little children be getting? well, absolutely nothing. that's hardly fair, so considering that i'm going to try so hard to be grateful for what i have.
Despite that, i really can't wait. I LOVE festivities, giving presents, wearing warm clothes, drinking a hot cup of tea after going out in the cold, christmas stalls, mulled wine, christmas pudding, snow. AND getting presents of course. I'm going to compose a christmas list. I doubt i'll be getting half of this, but BE GRATEFUL, maria.
1. A CAT. I want a cat SO MUCH, seeing as my rabbit just got eaten. LOOL. sorry, but cats are so much better than dogs. my brother and mum want a dog. they're blundering and hyper and annoying. cats are intelligent and surprising and beaauutiful. maybe i want a ragdoll cat. they are SO CUTE

Ragdoll from Gatil Ragbelas.jpg
2. DOC MARTENS. preferably flower patterned ones. SO NICE
4. MONEY. but who doesn't
5. A new dress, a LOT of new hair accessories, a new skirt new shorts, lots of new clothes
6. Books, a lot of books because i can never be bothered to walk to the library
7. Lots of beatles things - i can never get enough. OMG A BEATLES PINBALL MACHINE.
8. makeup
9. a lot of cds and posters, i need to finish my room
10. ornaments and stuff to decorate my room with
Generally, i'll only get like, five of that list, but let us hope for the best
but life's good, sort of; letting it flow as usual. well, trying to.

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