Monday 1 March 2010

i can't even put lyrics here because i can't listen to music and nothing springs to mind

it's an awful shame.
for the past two days i have been working incessantly
i'm about to pierce my third hole in my left ear, but i can't because i have too much work
god, my life is so BAD
read that out loud and you'll see i'm being sarcastic
but you can't really do that over computer
i haven't written in what seems to be a while; in truth it's probably a week or so.
erm, what's going on in your life, maria? you may be asking yourself
fear not, i can tell you if you really want to know
i joined the gym today. i had an induction. my body fat perecentage is above average. i officially hate my body all over again.
i bought new pretty things on sunday. i think it's because my mum felt guilty because she screamed at me and slapped me round the face, heehee. i now have a beret, for france (apparently no-one in france even wears berets), lace leggings which i have been wanting for ages, fabulous new shoes and lots of different coloured earrings. i just realised that most countries are identified with ancient things that no one ever does anymore. people say everyone moving everywhere and introducing culture is a good thing, but the true identification of most countries has died, and all countries are just becoming a mix of each other. sort of like when you have loads of different coloured paints on a tray, but then you just mix them ALL together and they make a sludgy brown colour, does that make sense?
I always go off track, but that's pretty much it.
hmm, i'm at loss for what to say, and i need to do yet more work
i have no idea where it all came from

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