Tuesday 16 March 2010

i love you sugar kane

i can finally listen to music again, and i've been catching up on music. downloaded more of the drums WHO I WILL BE SEEING LIVE (hopefully). more xx, pete doherty's album which is BEAUTIFUL and marina's album which i've been wanting to for ages. it didn't fail to disappoint, i love every song. i really don't understand how ellie goulding won the brit and not her. oh and ke$ha. guilty pleasure, i know. her tunes are just so infectious and i love her style + look.

we had parent's evening today. it's funny listening to everyone panic about how mrs so and so HATES them and they're going to get SUCH a bad report, when they're perfect studious nonsuch girls with studious nonsuch friends who never forget to give in their homework and say they don't revise when they've spent about a week revising. now, i'm not trying to sound baddamanz and insinuate that i get bad reports all the time, it's just annoying from a person who is generally worse than school than them to hear them lament over how their english teacher told them off for talking that very day. funny though, they all said i was very "bright" and asked good questions. that's all i can do really, ask questions and think a lot. i can't write to save my life, which i thought i could previously do. but i don't make any effort/don't focus/have a bad attitude etc. i could if i tried but my heart's not in it, and i don't think it will ever be. I'll probably fail my GCSEs and my whole life from lack of effort. so, studious nonsuchians, unless you actually have a problem don't whine for no reason.

I'm aware i'm being hypocritical because i complain too, but this is one thing i can safely say i don't whine about for no reason. i need to stop saying "i feel fat" because that's practically the same situation. i don't genuinely think i'm fat, just for clarification. i just want to preserve my current weight and i'm increasingly paranoid about being fat. and i love it when bones show so if i want to lose weight it's for that alone

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