Sunday 14 March 2010

new love grows on trees

this is reminding me of pete doherty and making me feel even worse. everyone apart from me saw him on friday
i'm blogging in the morning which i don't usually do, but i have a day of absolutely nothing in front of me and jack all to do now

alice in wonderland is an awful film, it gives me pain to admit. it has got to be tim burton's worst film. the plotline is predictable, alice is a terrible actor, the storyline is mucked up, and the script is absolutely awful. johnny depp though, as always, was amazing.
after i saw that i went to one of those "piss ups" and nearly went mad so i had to leave. i wasn't even drunk like most other people. i just hated everything in the world at that second and felt intensely sad. i haven't felt that sad in a good few months. i can't really explain it. i've completely lost any socialising skill that i used to have, but i just don't see the point in idle chatter with the same people. i have a lot of fun on my own sometimes. i liked walking back home. when you're not in a rush and you're practically alone with the stagnant world there's so much you can do. you can sit down anywhere you want, for however long you want. i sat in the field and it was lovely and quiet and open and still, and i realised how fun it is to walk down streets in the dark on your own. it's not scary, quite the contrary actually. you can step however loud you want, you can dance all the way down the streets and you can shout at the top of your voice. i had one of those moments, you know, when you realise how real everything is and how much you can really do.
people have probably seen the paris pictures on facebook and i can't really be bothered. i like these two, courtesy of anoushka. she told me to tell everyone when they asked if she was good at photography, i was meant to say amazing. so uh, she's amazing

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