Sunday 20 December 2009

how long has it been, shall we get into it again?

haven't written for about a week. i wrote a blog yesterday, but felt self-conscious about writing too many short sentences, so i deleted it all. life's feeling quite..innovative and arty. in my solitude i have been reading a lot of arty books, decorated my room, and all sorts. i think tomorrow's going to be a solitary day too. my social life actually fails recently. but i have a new philosophy: every second of my life will be spent how i want to spend it. and most of the time, i do what i feel i must do so i don't feel like a social retard; including talking to people i don't necessarily want to talk to. so, when i feel like going out, i shall. i've been like this for quite a while now, and i'm sort of happy. heh, happy. i felt sad today though, in the train, and the underground. but trains and undergrounds depress me generally, so it's ok. anyway, today has been a gooood day: i went to camden and bought doc martens, finally, in dark green. i also bought a sonic youth + god save the queen tshirt, and a loose denim high waisted skirt, and posters. i was so hapy. then i went to a chinese restaurant, ate too much and felt fat, then went on this scary ride in Leicester square. adrenaline is beeautiful. anyway, at the moment i'm kind of sad. the holiday's feel weird, and even though i like being alone, i guess it's to an extent; i really need to go out. i have nothing to do and the internet is horribly boring, and i don't feel creative. i might just go and eat away my boredom, and regret it later. bye y'all.

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