Wednesday 30 December 2009

tearing me down every time you smile, every shining time you arrive

i woke up this morning with sunny day real estate stuck in my head, which made me feel depressed early in the morning and it looks like today's going to be a depressing day, so i'll listen to something more upbeat.
further festivities have proceeded christmas, so it's just been a time of wine, chocolate, food, and more presents. Two days ago i got a beautiful juicy couture bracelet that must have cost a fortune, more books, and perfume from various family friends, which was nice. yesterday i spent another unproductive day in front of the computer, what joy. i downloaded a lot of music though: lady gaga's album, which is surprisingly good, some LCD soundsystem because everyone goes on about it and i wanted to see if they were good or not. they're small doses. I also downloaded some more Modest Mouse, because before i'd never really had the chance to judge if they were good or not. I've decided I prefer the older stuff they did; i don't like their energetic songs. but yeah enough about that. I've been so sedentary lately, I've just been inside all day not doing much or reading. I'm reading a brief history of time by stephen hawking, which answers all my questions, but i don't understand it!
Also, something weird's happening to me and i don't know what, or why. I can't sleep nowadays, at all. I stay up 'til about two, generally cleaning my room :| which i never do, or just sorting out my clothes. and when i do turn off the light i have scary dreams and i keep seeing stuff in my room. I don't know what it is honestly, so i'm just going to let it pass to having a too-vivid imagination. Anyway, you know when you try and make yourself stop thinking something, but it just gets worse: i think that's it.
Today hopefully i'm going to go shopping, again, to get MORE clothes. I'm obsessed; I look forward to getting ready more than i actually do going out. Then I'm going to a "girly" sleepover. It's fun from time to time. Hah, I practically haven't seen a boy apart from my brother this whole holiday. Oh well that doesn't matter, i'll take what life brings me.
Anyway time to get ready again, i'm excited because i'm going to wear my new skirt that i haven't worn yet :|

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