Wednesday 2 December 2009

let me take you down, 'cause i'm going to strawberry fields

nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about
strawwberrryyy fieldss forevverr
omg i miss this song so much, i haven't heard it in aages
i've actually had an alright day, funnily enough
i usually don't have alright days. it's usually annoying days, or really shit days. the occasional quite good day.
actually today's been quite annoying. I get picked on. this isn't actually funny. today in RS, i got a three in my report and got moved because i was speaking, ONCE. In registration i got told to see dr anagnostopolous after school; i didn't even get a warning. I didn't go, hello, another pointless after-school detention
oh and i had to see mrs shirley after school anyway. I actually don't know what i do.
someone's getting beef from mrs etheridge. oh well, i don't even care.
i might sound like certain shakesperians ranting on my blog all the time
facebook groups are annoying as it is
i decided to read through all the groups, AND NEARLY ALL OF THEM WERE SPELLED WRONG, or they had misplaced commas or apostrophes. The sad thing is, NO-ONE notices. I'm fighting a losing battle. Call me pernickety, but it's actually so FUCKING annoying.
and huxley and orwell are driving me INSANE. I'm surprised orwell's even persevering this long, in the complex social network she doesn't even need huxley anymore. Obviously, her primary goal is to secure a safe, high ground in the weird spindly cobweb we've all spun. I guess no-one's safe though. we all come and go. hah, people are practically like fashion crazes. but they get boring soon; no-one wants last years jeans anymore. I feel sorry for last year's jeans. I'm sure this hypothetical person is a very nice person, really. Actually, not so much hypothetical, "last year's jeans" can apply to a lot of people. sigh...
contemplating on all this makes me kind of sad. I have no idea where i am on this cobweb. Thinking about it will make me sad. I say I hate the whole thing, yet i want to be liked, really.
i don't know, so much for relaxing and floating downstream.

oh, and I find it so funny when people don't get irony
today i've made, well, rather a lot of ironic jokes, or hinted at irony in an ironic situation
no-one got it
oh well, shame that
ok goodbye everyone, i'm going to have fun, uh, staring at the computer..waiting for something to happen on facebook

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