Monday 10 May 2010


forgot about robots in disguise.
..well today has just been lovely, hasn't it? i had two tests, de-activated my facebook when i came home, revised for three hours, and did absolutely nothing nice today, apart from sit on the field during rounders in the sun hitting my back, but the breeze interfering just at the right time, and learn interesting things about astronomy.

Furthermore, I was again the butt of all the school's totalitarian regime. apparently taking my earrings and hair accessories out and rolling my skirt down isn't enough. no, now i have to "stand straight" and "brush my hair - it's not as tidy as it should be." :| i, for one, refuse to stand down and allow the school to "rectify" me. It's complete facism. I'm going to backcomb my hair just to be annoying. I know smartass stuff like that is what gets me in trouble in the first place, but i just can't help it.

nice boring blog for today, my life for the next two weeks is going to be nothing but electrolysis and mitosis. fml. i know it's annoying, but sometimes fml is necessary. having a standard life is worse than having a bad one and i stick to that, although not boring because i amuse myself and this arrangement is only temporary i say

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