Monday 1 February 2010

ashes to ashes funk to funky

why, i'm blogging again, won't you look at that? seeing as i can't compose my thoughts into poetry or stories, i'll have to write somehow, or my life really is an utter waste of time. these past few, unproductive weeks i have been doing jack all: mindlessly wandering on facebook, general computering, hanging with the unloved kids, and blowing my nose. i have a cold, for the first time in ages. that's what i get for laughing at ill people and rubbing it into their face that i'm not ill. the plot has thickened, however, amidst general petty annoyances. I'm faced with a very sticky situation. Now, dickens has made it glaringly obvious that he likes me, but the sad fact is, i don't like him. sorry, dickens. anyway, i'm going to have to let him know sometime. it feels kind of scary to have that much power over someone, and knowing that one word can determine their felicity. I don't know if i like it.
Any other advancements? My fashion sense has changed, again, and i love it. I look forward to getting dressed more than i do getting out. So that makes me materialistically happy, at least. I'm just casually, taciturnly observing social situations around me. Last month's jeans don't seem to be in vogue, anymore. well, they won't be in a few weeks. It's funny watching how people behave when they know their temporary popularity is slipping away; they become more desperate, more obsequious. Anyway, social situations closer at hand are changing at an alarming rate. I may find myself with no friends, what with Golding and Hemingway becoming best pals, but i can't say the prospect is bothering me too much. As long as i have people i like who i get along with, I don't really mind.
asides from that, I keep getting momentary flashes of genius, about ten seconds or so, in which i think i can explain the world and all the words formulate together so well, and i'd love to write it down, but it slips away, and my transient enlightenment lapses into apathy.
there's nothing else to say, really.
apart from that the new marina and the diamonds album is coming out
i can't wait for that, she really is very, very good. I sincerely hope her most popular song doesn't get bummed by chavs, or that she gets overrated and alters her sound to suit a more mainstream audience

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