Saturday 6 February 2010

love will tear us apart again

i have five things i want to say to you today

1. the xx are gold. crystalised is such a beauuuuutiful song

2. i got a ukulele today, it's yellow.all because i want to be indie of course.
3. Donnie darko is the most poignant, profound, beautiful, etcetcetc film i have ever seen. i think it even beats sweeney todd. watch it, and watch it now! in a nutshell: it's about a disturbed boy who gets taken into a tangent universe by frank, this weird scary bunny thing but people think he's schizophrenic and oh i don't know i don't know i didn't understand but it was so meaningful and it made me think a lot. oh yeah, and it has an awesome soundtrack, with stuff like joy division and pavement. i need to re-watch it one day.
4. i have no social life seeing as i did nothing social today and am doing nothing social tomorrow
5. i'm beginning to hate photographs. the amount of unecessary photographs capturing the same faces and the same unoriginal outfits and the same neutral stances, and excuses to look cool because you can TAKE PICTURES TOGETHER. photographs are losing their meaning.
ps. check out my stripy wall

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