again, ignore my face. and my incredibly neeky brother. we ate full lobsters and oysters, which are disgusting. everyone in belgium is so nice, and when they give you tea, the give you a glass of hot water and you do it yourself and they give you cake along with it. they don't do that in england :(
pretty things i wasn't allowed to get. my dad was being stingy, i really wanted a lace parasole, so i could walk around in the sun looking like i've come out of the victorian times, but i'm "already odd enough" according to mon pere, so i just got a pretty little tapestry-esque purse.
i like
anyway, it was a really nice holiday actually, even though my brother just picked at me constantly and my dad got us lost, and we missed the market, AND we couldn't go to the salvador dali gallery, which i really wanted to see; we went to other galleries though, so it was ok.
i'm glad to hear nothing to spicy went down while i was away, and tomorrow i'm just going to have a day of sloth and doing nothing, before school starts again. but then in two weeks, i'm off to le beau paris!
EEEH annoying spacing. ignore that too